Anafric asks for an urgent meeting with the Barcelona City Council for the reduction of red meat consumption in municipal schools

Anafric  another 12 entities of the Catalan meat sector have requested an urgent meeting with the City Council of Barcelona after having approved the declaration of Climate Emergency in the city and found that one of the 103 measures that the municipal council wants to carry out is the reduction of the consumption of red meat in the dining rooms of the municipal schools.

The entities requesting the meeting, apart from Anafric, are  Anafric, son AssocatAsoprovacAsfac, el Gremi de Carnissers, Xarcuters i Aviram de Barcelona i Comarques, la Federació Agrícola Catalana (FAC), la Federación Empresarial de Carnes e Industrias Cárnicas (FECIC), la Federació de Gremis de Detallistes de Productes Alimenticis i l’Associació de Concessionaris de Mercats de Catalunya (FEGRAM),  el Gremi de Carnissers, Cansaladers i Xarcuters de Barcelona i Comarques (GremiCarn)JARCPORCAT and Unió de Pagesos.

The 13 entities representing the agricultural and livestock production sector as well as the food industry have signed a letter stating that “we are aware of the challenge of fighting a threat – climate change – against which no one can deny the existence ”. The letter is addressed to the mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, which puts on the table that the sector “wants to be part of the solution and not the problem” in greenhouse gas emissions.

The associations argue that “the economic activity of the rural environment and the maintenance of the landscape are functions, among others, that only agricultural and livestock activity can satisfy”, and therefore, given the evidence that the municipal council wants to “reduce the amount of red meat served in the canteens of public schools ”is an urgent meeting in which to make it clear that the reduction in consumption of red meat also means neglecting that people and especially children acquire“ the essential nutrients to satisfy feeding needs. “

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