Anafric expands its board of directors with the aim of increasing the defense of the livestock – meat sector

Anafric  expands its board of directors to 14 members, under the presidency of Jose Friguls, who recently has been ratified in the position by 4 years more. The new board is made up of companies Carlos ColomerCarns PontCompanyia General CàrniaCàrniques JuiàEscorxador Reixach, Franco y Navarro, FribinFrimanchaRamtaubSucarnSuministros Megaro FoodsViñals Soler, and the incorporation of the vice-president of Acexpiel, Carles Riba, and the president of AETRIN, Vicente Gallent.


José Friguls has expressed his satisfaction with the strengthening of its board of directors. “We will have the strength to continue working, in collaboration with the Administration and other livestock-meat associations, on issues such as the PPA, high commodity prices or the problems with certain meat exports to certain countries.” For Friguls, it is essential that Anafric strengthen its structure to negotiate with the administration “the problems of our livestock farms, the strengthening of the interprofessional of pigs, cattle and sheep-goats or fiscal measures and the promotion of employment in the meat sector , in this complicated stage that is being lived by the sanitary crisis by the covid-19”.

A reinforced, united and strong board

The new board consists of:

Carlos Colomer, de Carlos Colomer, 
Marcel Ruiz,  de Carns Pont
Vicenç Tonijuan, de Companyia General Càrnia
Antonio Jové, de Càrniques Juià,
Francesc Reixach, de Escorxador Reixach
José María Navarro, de Franco y Navarro
Lamberto Mallen, de Fribin
Moisés Argudo, de Frimancha
Josep Ramells, de Ramtaub
Valentín Choya, de Sucarn,
Carlos CebriánSuministros Megaro Foods
Pol Viñals, Viñals Soler
Carles RibaAcexpiel
Vicente GallentAETRIN

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