ANAFRIC signs the Code of Good Commercial Practices in the Food Chain of Catalonia

ANAFRIC has recently signed, through its president, Josep Friguls, the new document of agreement of adhesion to the Code of Good Practice in the Food Chain of Catalonia (CBPC).

The Code of Good Practices in the Food Chain of Catalonia, is an initiative of the Department of Agriculture from de catalan government where all the agents of the food chain are involved: production, industry, and agrifood distribution, and has as objectives:

  • Improved relationships between different types of operators throughout the entire value chain.
  • Improvement of transparency, agility and efficiency in business relations.
  • Improvement of the information and perception received by consumers of agrifood products and the operation of the sector.
  • To value the agrifood products of quality, of greater food security, more sustainable and respectful with the animal welfare.
  • Improve marketing, growth and market orientation.
  • Improve efficiency and technological development.
  • Promote channels to favor local production commercialization.
  • Improve market orientation of the entire value chain.
  • Implementation of instruments to communicate and resolve conflicts between companies and all types of operators.


The adhesion to the Agreement of the CBPC by ANAFRIC implies to commit itself in:

  • Improve business practices
  • Improve the perception of the consumer
  • Improve marketing, growth and market orientation
  • Improve efficiency and technological development
  • Apply, interpret and follow up the Agreement

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