Journey to the dawn of humanity: Did you know that if the hominids had not started eating meat we would not have reached Homo Sapiens?

“The human being, if he had never consumed meat, he would not be a human being.” This is how resounding the Professor in Prehistory Carlos Díez is shown at the beginning of the chapter. A trip to the beginnings of the human being, the importance of meat in our evolution, the invention of fire and cooking, thanks to the surprising story of its protagonist: Maite.

Alimentaria no descarta un cambio de fechas

El director de Fira de Barcelona, Constantí Serrallonga, no descarta realizar un cambio de fechas para la celebración de la próxima edición de la feria Alimentaria en Barcelona. Serrallonga participó en una entrevista en Catalunya Radio donde confirmó esta posibilidad de cambiar de fechas: “Nuestro primer objetivo es trabajar para hacerla” ya que sería “un gran signo de normalidad”, pero la renuncia de participación de grandes empresas (nacionales e internacionales) hace que la organización no descarte la modificación de fechas hacia finales de 2020 o ya en 2021. “Si vemos conjuntamente que hay una fecha mejor para hacerla, no tendremos inconveniente porque al final lo importante es ayudar al sector y hacer de motor. Queremos encontrar un consenso”.

Thanks from Anafric for the work you are doing


We can’t think of another word from Anafric. Your support, your commitment, your trust and your effort will not be in vain. Together, we face this reality. And with the collaboration of all, we will leave. We are sure about it.

“The government has to make a law that prevents intrusion and stop calling ‘meat’ to something that is not”

“Ganaderas en Red” is a group of extensive livestock farming and pastoralism professional women who support each other both personally and at work. They seek raising their voice to the institutions. Like the rest of the meat industry, they try not to be accused of being guilty of climate change in an environment that they respect and preserve. From Anafric we want to value their position, their collective work and their defence of the industry because as we understand, we are part of the solution and not the problem.