Interovic presents new cuts and fifth range in Seville

On March 10 and 11, sheep and goat products have been protagonists in Seville thanks to a complete agenda of activities aimed at catering professionals and students from hotel schools. The objective of these trainings has been to present new presentations of lamb meat such as the most innovative cuts or fifth-range products.

The tour has premiered in the first great Hall of the Fair, which is held from March 10 to 12 at the Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses of Seville (FIBES). A place where the potential of these meats has been given visibility to all companies related to the Fair sector, which in turn has wanted to help a sector that has been stopped for two years due to COVID, and how important it is for Andalusia.

Through a presentation given on the main stage of the fair, chef Javier Robles carried out a cooking show where he explained the uses of lamb meat through the new cuts and the fifth range. Products such as the easy roast of lamb and kid, the Paquito of lamb in a mollete from Antequera, churrasco of lamb in a cone with Padrón, churrasco of lamb encrusted with nuts or the knuckle of lamb with a stick cut, are some of the suggestive ideas that they have conquered the Sevillian professional public. Some formats that are a fabulous option to offer juicy and sustainable meat in booths at the Seville fair and in any other type of restaurant.



Presentations available to everyone

Within the framework of these actions, which are included in the European program “suckling, lamb and kid meat, tasty and sustainable. Choose the European origin” other complementary trainings have been carried out aimed at future cooks of the national restoration.

A hundred students from the Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla, one of the most renowned centers in Europe run by the Lezama group, and the Escuela de Hostelería IES San Fernando in Constantina, located in the Sierra Norte de Sevilla, have had the opportunity to learn the gastronomic applications of these cuttings, as well as the trend of the new fifth-range products. As chef Robles assures, “a perfect alternative to deal with the personnel problems that exist today in the hotel industry.”

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