Opinion article of the 6 interprofessionals in the newspaper El País. Responsibility and common sense

The Opinion Tribune of El País is signed today, January 18, signed by the presidents of the 6 Interprofessionals: Antonio Prieto (Asici), Antonio Sánchez (Avianza), José Luis Tainta (Intercun), Raúl Muñiz (Interovic), Manuel García (Interporc) and Eliseu Isla (Provacuno).

Under the title “We want to continue building the country”, the six interprofessionals explain that “the Spanish livestock and meat industry represent a sector of activity with deep roots in our country. Workers and their families, associations and companies are present at the length and breadth of the Spanish geography, with a special participation in the social and economic fabric of rural areas”. Throughout the article it is made clear that “meat is not exported to more than 130
countries -for a value of €8,660 million in 2020- if very high quality standards are not met, both in the product and in the process” and, they point out “the sector is a net generator of opportunities for our country: it creates jobs, it creates companies that contribute fiscally, revitalizes territories… promotes the Spain brand”.

The article ends by stating that “confronting the different models of livestock production in our country is also a completely unfocused debate. The dichotomy in livestock is that of sustainable versus non-sustainable production. And all the production models that we are developing in our country. They are aimed at sustainable and efficient production, in order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and reach emission neutrality in 2050”.

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