Public information in Catalonia on the regulation of veterinary inspection support services

The Department of Health, within the framework of the Regulatory Plan of the Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia for the years 2021-2023, has promoted the initiative of a decree project that regulates the support services for the official veterinary inspection in slaughterhouses, cutting rooms and game handling establishments in Calalunya. In Catalonia, in the sanitary control of cut or stored meat and in the inspection and sanitary control of slaughterhouse facilities, cutting rooms and refrigerated warehouses, there is the figure of veterinary inspection assistants so that, as in most countries of the European Union, support official veterinarians in ante-mortem and post-mortem inspections. Currently, the figure of veterinary inspection assistants is regulated by Decree 138/2003, of May 27, which regulates the functions and conditions of training, qualification and authorization of veterinary inspection support personnel.

in the slaughterhouses of Catalonia. However, the aforementioned decree is widely surpassed and displaced in everything that contradicts it by community regulations.

Due to the evolution in this area and the community regulatory changes subsequent to the publication of this regulation, Decree 138/2003 is widely surpassed by community regulations.


The new regulation aims to:
-To adapt, to a large extent, the current regulation contained in Decree 138/2003, of May 27, as it is widely surpassed by community regulations.

-Change the current model for the provision of AIOV services, based on administrative contracting, to regulate a model of authorized or qualified entities that is more competitive for the normal exercise of business freedom.

Create a registry of authorized entities, for the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, in which they will be registered as AIOV service providers in accordance with the requirements and functions provided for by community regulations

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