Temporary trade liberalization with Ukraine until June 5, 2023

The European Council of the European Union has adopted a Regulation allowing temporary trade liberalization and other trade concessions with respect to certain Ukrainian products. This means that for one year (until June 5, 2023) no import duties will accrue on any Ukrainian exports to the European Union. This decision is prompted by Russia’s war against Ukraine, which has had a devastating effect on the country’s production capacity, transport infrastructure and access to the Black Sea, as well as its broader ability to trade with the rest of the world. world.

And this has had consequences in terms of food security worldwide. And for this reason, the liberalization measures consist of:

  • Total elimination of import duties (customs) on the import of industrial products from Ukraine.
  • Suspension of the application of the entry price system for fruit and vegetables.
  • Suspension of tariff quotas and the total elimination of import duties.
  • Anti-dumping duties on imports originating in Ukraine will not be collected.
  • Temporary suspension of the application of Regulation 2015/478 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

With this, the EU wants to provide Ukraine with economic and financial aid.

The Commission will have the power to suspend this preferential regime in cases where PRODUCERS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION with similar or directly competitive products are or may be seriously affected by imports under this REGULATION

Press Release of European Council


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