The Toledo slaughterhouse will go from municipal service to private management

The Toledo slaughterhouse will soon cease to function as a municipal public service to be managed by a private company in the city. A process that is about to be completed after the private lease contract for the slaughterhouse owned by the Talaverano Consistory, located in the Torrehierro industrial estate, goes out to tender.


The contract, valid until February 2021, is extended pending the award of the new one, which is already limited to the rental of the building for use as a slaughterhouse without municipal jurisdiction.


This change will be possible after approving in plenary session on November 26, 2020 the alteration of the legal classification of the slaughterhouse building. A step that gave the City Council the green light to disengage from offering this service with a municipal public nature in a mandatory way, as established by Law 27/2013, of December 27, on Rationalization and Sustainability of the Local Administration (LRSAL), which removes this obligation.

At this time, the service is still provided publicly by the company Ganados y Productos Industriales S.A. (Gypisa), with which there has been a municipal slaughterhouse service concession contract since 2001.

The contract, valid until February 2021, is extended pending the award of the new one, which is already limited to the rental of the building for use as a slaughterhouse without municipal jurisdiction.

More information at La Tribuna de Toledo.

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